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Daily Archives: 20 October 2016

Soft-Mode Turbulence in Nematic Liquid Crystals

Turbulence and Spatiotemporal Chaos

Turbulence is a very common phenomenon and observed everywhere, mostly in fluid systems. Turbulence occurs when a strong external field is applied to the systems. For the phenomenon, statistical physics and hydrodynamics are powerful tools to describe its mechanism and property as well as nonlinear dynamics. However it is not well understood yet because of strong nonlinearity and tremendous degrees of freedom. Recently great development related to concept and classification of turbulence has been obtained, e.g. a new mathematical concept for chaos and detailed classification of turbulence such as fully-developed, weak, defect turbulence, spatiotemporal chaos (STC) and so on. The STC which is a spatially and temporally disordered structure is frequently observed in a typical nonequilibrium open systems such as electroconvection of nematic system [Cross 1993]. Very recently, the soft-mode turbulence (SMT) which is a quite novel STC has been found in electroconvection in nematic liquid crystals. Here, the description of the SMT will be given after explaining the electroconvection in nematic liquid crystals.
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