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Kumpulan tulisan tentang ilmu hisab dapat dibaca disini.


Kumpulan File pdf yang ditulis oleh Dr. Eng. Rinto Anugraha:

  1. Buku Mekanika Benda Langit
  2. Dasar-dasar Ilmu Falak
  3. Seminar Pembelajaran Ilmu Falak UIN Walisongo 3 Mei 2016
  4. Seminar Gerhana Matahari 9 Maret 2016 di Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah tanggal 5 Maret 2016
  5. Refleksi Ilmu Falak sebagai Salah Satu Bukti Integrasi Islam dan Sains Alam


Kumpulan File MS Excel yang disusun oleh Dr. Eng. Rinto Anugraha:

  1. Julian Day (v1)
  2. Tambah dan Selisih Tanggal Masehi (v1)
  3. Arah Azimuth (v1)
  4. Konversi Kalender Hijriyah – Masehi Algoritma Meeus (v1)
  5. Arah Kiblat (v1)
  6. Waktu Shalat (v1, v2)
  7. Posisi Bulan dan Matahari dengan Algoritma Meeus (v1)
  8. Posisi Matahari dengan Algoritma low accuracy (v1)
  9. Fase Bulan dengan Algoritma Jean Meeus (v1, v2)
  10. Tahun Kabisat – Biasa (v1)
  11. Bulan Terbit dan Terbenam dengan Algoritma Meeus (v1)
  12. Easter Day atau Hari Paskah (v1)
  13. Ekuinoks dan Solstice dengan Algoritma Meeus (v1)
  14. Equation of Time (v1)
  15. Gerhana Matahari dan Bulan tahun 1900 – 2200 Algoritma Meeus (v1)
  16. Gerhana 9 Maret 2016 di Balikpapan metode JPL NASA (v1)
  17. Gerhana 9 Maret 2016 Posisi Lokal (v1)
  18. Gerhana 9 Maret 2016 Garis Sentral (v1)
  19. Tahun Baru Imlek (v1)
  20. Koordinat Lintang dan Bujur kota-kota seluruh dunia (v1)


Kumpulan File Power Point presentasi Dr. Eng. Rinto Anugraha

  1. Presentasi Ilmu Falak di Fukuoka, An Introduction to Falak (Islamic Mathematical Astronomy), 18 September 2009.
  2. Diskusi Ilmiah UII tentang Perbedaan Penanggalan Bulan Qomariyah, Memahami Pergerakan Matahari – Bumi – Bulan, 12 Februari 2011.
  3. Seminar IAIN Walisongo, Membaca Tanda Kebesaran Allah SWT Melalui Gerhana, 15 Juni 2011.
  4. Menimbang Untung Rugi Penyatuan Waktu Indonesia, Juni 2012.
  5. Kajian Saturday Night Gathering (SNG) Jogja Astro Club (JAC), Posisi Matahari dengan Algoritma Low Accuracy, Sabtu 2 Mei 2015.


Buku-buku Ilmu Hisab dan Astronomi berbahasa Inggris (dapat dicari di http://gen.lib.rus.ec/)

  1. Astronomical Algorithms, Jean Meeus
  2. Astronomical Formulae for Calculators, Jean Meeus
  3. Mathematical Astronomy Morsels, Jean Meeus
  4. More Mathematical Astronomy Morsels, Jean Meeus
  5. Practical Ephemeris Calculations, Oliver Montenbruck
  6. Astronomy On The Personal Computer, Oliver Montenbruck dan Thomas Pfleger
  7. Astronomy Principles and Practice, A E Roy dan D Clarke
  8. Calendrical Calculations, Nachum Dershowitz dan Edward M. Reingold
  9. Eclipse – The celestial phenomenon that changed the course of history, Duncan Steel
  10. Fundamental Astronomy, Hannu Karttunen dkk
  11. Practical Astronomy With Your Calculator, Peter Duffett-Smith
  12. Textbook on Spherical Astronomy, W. M. Smart dan R. M. Green
  13. Total Solar Eclipses and How to Observe Them, Martin Mobberley
  14. The Moon and How to Observe It, Peter Grego
  15. Mathematical Instrumentation in Fourteen Century, Francois Charete


Kumpulan tulisan orang lain (pdf) tentang ilmu hisab:

  1. Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications, Ibrahim Reda and Afshin Andreas
  2. General Solar Position Calculations
  3. Five Millenium Canon of Lunar Eclipses: -1999 to 3000 – Figure, Fred Espenak dan Jean Meeus
  4. Five Millenium Canon of Lunar Eclipses: -1999 to 3000 – Text, Fred Espenak dan Jean Meeus
  5. Hilal Sighting & Islamic Dates – Issues and Solution, Salman Shaikh
  6. Planetary theories in rectangular and spherical variables – VSOP 87 solutions, P. Bretagnon and G. Francou
  7. Universal Qibla and Prayer Time Finder, M.Z. Ibrahim and M.Z. Norashikin
  8. The Equation of Time, D. W. Hughes, B. D. Yallop and C. Y. Hohenkerk
  9. Fifty Year Canon of Lunar Eclipses 1986 – 2035, Fred Espenak
  10. Six Easy Lectures on Ancient Mathematical Astronomy, Dennis Duke
  11. Direct and Inverse Solutions of Geodesics on the Ellipsoid – Vincenty
  12. A study of Characteristic Hilal Visibility closed to the equinox, Hepi Irfianni Sofian and Moedji Raharto
  13. Study of the implication of error on the deviation of the direction of Kiblah, Zainal Abidin, Moedji Raharto and Oki Neswan
  14. A Study of Metonic Cycle on Hilal Visibility, Moedji Raharto
  15. The effect on Delta T on astronomical calculations, Jean Meeus
  16. The maximum possible duration of a total solar eclipse, Jean Meeus
  17. Nearly-zenithal central solar eclipses, Jean Meeus
  18. A New Test for Maya Astronomical Observation – Occultations of Venus by the Moon, Jean Meeus and Virginia G. Smith
  19. Transits of Earth as Seen from Mars, Jean Meeus and Edwin Goffin
  20. Triple Conjunctions – Twins and Triplets, G. P. Konnen and Jean Meeus
  21. The Frequency of Total and Annular Solar Eclipses for a Give Place, Jean Meeus
  22. The Calculation of Some Planetary Phenomena, Jean Meeus
  23. Total Penumbral Lunar Eclipses, Jean Meeus
  24. A Study of the Impact of Sky Brightness on Hilal Visibility, Eka Puspita Arumaningtyas dan Moedji Raharto
  25. An Accurate Representation of the Motion of Pluto, E. Goffin, J. Meeus and C. Steyaert
  26. Heavenly Mathematics – Observing the Sun and the Moon from Different Parts of the World, Helmer Aslaksen
  27. Lunar Visibility and the Islamic Calendar, Leong Wen Xin
  28. The Analemma for Latitudinally-Challenged People, Teo Shin Yeow
  29. The Mathematics of the Longitude, Wong Lee Nah
  30. Islamic Calendar, Hermer Aslaksen
  31. Which Day Does the Sun Rise Earliest in Singapore, Hermer Aslaksen
  32. Polynomial Expressions for Delta T, NASA
  33. A Method for Predicting the First Sighting of the New Crescent Moon, Yallop
  34. A Note on Kepler Equation, Jacques Dutka
  35. A Note on Sunrise, Sunset and Twilight Times and on the Illumination Conditions During Twilight, B.D. Yallop and C.Y. Hohenkerk
  36. A Selective Literature Review of Young Moon Crescent Visibility Studies, Baharrudin Zainal
  37. A Short Guide to Celestial Navigation, Henning Umland
  38. A Universal Islamic Calendar, David McNaughton
  39. Ada Titik Terang dalam Penetapan Hilal, Thomas Djamaluddin
  40. Al-Fajr As-Sadiq – A New Perspective, Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi
  41. An Aircraft Equipment for New Lunar Crescent Observations, Francois Rene Querci and Patrick Martinez
  42. An Approximation to the Errors in the Planetary Ephemerides of the Astronomical Almanac, E.M. Standish
  43. An Introductory Treatise on the Lunar Theory, Ernest W. Brown
  44. An Islamic Legal Analysis of Astronomical Determination of the Beginning of Ramadhan, Mokhtar Maghraoui
  45. Analisis Singkat Penentuan 1 Zulhijjah 1428 H Versi Kerajaan Saudi Arabia, Muh. Ma’rufin Sudibyo
  46. Analysing 50 Lunar Eclipses, Byron Soulsby
  47. Analytical Planetary Solution VSOP2000, X. Moisson and P. Bretagnon
  48. Analytical Solution of the Motion of the Planets Over Several Thousand of Years, P. Bretagnon
  49. Approximation Methods in Celestial Mechanics – Application to Pluto Motion, J. Chapront
  50. Astronomical Aspects of the First Visibility of the Dawn
  51. Astronomical Calculation of Islamic Times and Qiblat Direction, Niweateh Hajewaming
  52. Astronomical Formulas Sunrise, Sunset and Twilight
  53. Astronomy in Islam, Qamar Uddin
  54. Awal Waktu Salat Perspektif Syar’i Dan Sains, Susiknan Azhari
  55. Babylonian Short-Time Measurements – Lunar Sixes, Peter J. Huber
  56. Beberapa Faktor yang Menyebabkan Ditolaknya Laporan Rukyat, Wahyu Widiana
  57. Belajar Ilmu Hisab, Abdul Muid Zahid
  58. Best Time for the First Visibility of the Lunar Crescent, Sultan
  59. Bukan Masalah – Idul Adha di Arab Saudi dan Indonesia Berbeda Hari, T. Djamaluddin
  60. Calculation for Crescent – A Reliable and Permissible Method in Accordance with the Objectives of Shariah, Muzammil H. Siddiqi
  61. Calendar Conversion Program Used to Analyze Early History of Islam, T Jamaludin
  62. Celestial Mechanics, Hannu Karttunen
  63. Celestial Reference Frames – Definitions and Accuracies, E.M. Standish
  64. Comparison of a 7000 year lunar ephemeris with analytical theory, S.L. Moshier
  65. Comparisons of ET-Solar, ET-Lunar, UT and TDT, Markowitz
  66. Computational Astronomy and the Earliest Visibility of Lunar Crescent, Muhammad Shahid Qureshi
  67. Conversion of Positions and Proper Motions from B1950 to the IAU System at J2000, E.M. Standish
  68. Corrections to the Improved Lunar Ephemeris, Thomas C. Van Flandern
  69. Crescent Observation and the Visibility and the Hilal, Abdurrazak Ebrahim
  70. Crescent Sighting Using the Ummul Qura Calendar in Saudi Arabia, Muhammad M H Khan
  71. Delta T and Universal Time, Fred Espenak
  72. Determination of the solar diameter and identification of lunar limb using Besselian elements
  73. Determining the Times of Prayer in the High Latitudes
  74. DSP PKS Idul Adha 1427 H
  75. DSP PKS Idul Fitri 1427 H
  76. DSP PKS Idul Fitri 1427 H – klarifikasi
  77. Dynamical Reference Frames in the Planetary and Earth-Moon Systems, E.M. Standish and J.G. Williams
  78. Eclipse bahasa Spanyol
  79. Eclipse Predictions and Earth’s Rotation, Fred Espenak
  80. Eclipse, Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics
  81. Explaining and Calculating the Length of the New Crescent Moon, Sultan
  82. Explanation of Muslims Prayer Timing
  83. Expressions for IAU 2000 Precession Quantities, N. Capitaine, P. T. Wallace and J. Chapront
  84. Fajr and Isha, Yaqub Ahmed Miftahi
  85. Fatwa MUI Tahun 2004 tentang Penetapan Awal Ramadhan, Syawal dan Dzulhijjah
  86. First Visibility of the Lunar Crescent – Beyond Danjon Limit, Sultan
  87. First Visibility of the Lunar Crescent, John A. R. Caldwell and C. David Laney
  88. Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses
  89. From Moon Sighting to Astronomical Calculation, Louay Safi
  90. Globalisasi Ru’yah Tak Sederhana, T. Djamaluddin
  91. Hijri Calendar and Lunar Visibility – Physical Approach, Sultan
  92. Hilal dan Masalah Beda Hari Raya, T. Djamaluddin
  93. Historical Values of Delta T, NASA

File Excel orang lain tentang ilmu hisab dan astronomi

  1. Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses, NASA
  2. Gerhana Bulan 2000 – 2100 Gresik
  3. Gerhana Matahari 2000 – 2100 Gresik

Kumpulan presentasi orang lain (Power Point) tentang ilmu hisab dan astronomi

  1. Observing the Sun and the Moon from the Tropics, Hermer Aslaksen

File simulasi astronomi (berekstensi swf) sebanyak 51 buah dari Astro UNL. Dapat dijalankan di Media Player seperti GOM Player, Daum Pot Player. Disatukan dalam file zip.

  1. Simulasi Astronomi

Kumpulan file tugas akhir mahasiswa UIN Walisongo Semarang yang mengkaji Buku Mekanika Benda Langit:

  1. Jafar Shodiq, Studi analisis metode hisab gerhana matahari Rinto Anugraha dalam buku Mekanika Benda LangitUndergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo, 2016.
  2. Rizalludin, Analisis komparasi algoritma hisab awal waktu salat Slamet Hambali dan Rinto AnugrahaUndergraduate (S1) thesis, UIN Walisongo, 2016